Idaly Daza Sánchez, Administrator of the Telecentre located in the municipality of Sucre, Cauca, 21, spent more than two years training to your community in developing various online transactions with entities as the past state court, the renewal of the writ and Icetex credits, among others.
It was its efforts to collect the testimonies of several people who have been trained to send the contest
"experiences that make history" Government Online Program, which made winning a semi-digital camera professional, for who accounted for the greatest number of testimonies made since the Telecentre.
Thanks to the work of Idaly, people in their community no longer have the need to travel 45 minutes to Township Board Patia, where they were touched personally carry out the different steps and wait for the offices are open.
"The most important is that the Telecentre Compartel reach the rural community, which has always had difficulty to move to big cities to do their transactions and payments and wait for long hours. Now I will take pictures of everything that moves to have the best memories of my life and my family, "said Idaly.
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