Monday, December 6, 2010

Praga Mapa Zabytkó

Colombianitos of NASA trained at the Telecentre Share.

Kids NASA. Antares CERES weather station, located in the municipality of Antioquia Garden, implemented in a didactic educational institution Miguel Valencia Rural Development, since 5 August 2000 and attached to the project of NASA CERES S'COOL, where you could turn a simple jar in a container to measure the rainfall at the local level, or give a piece of cardboard useful to observe the cardinality of the wind that whips.
In this way they managed to convert these materials into a tool for youth and children, observe, think and understand the vagaries of the sky and part of the land, significantly reducing the traditional fear of mathematics learning and basic sciences in the first instance, is the foundation on which progress has wrought in our processes, thus allowing to create awareness on climate change and global warming.
A hotbed of guys go beyond a classroom to understand the world, bridging the gap between what is learned in school and life, trained as citizens by promoting values \u200b\u200bsuch as responsibility, commitment, autonomy, self-confidence, initiative, creativity, sense of belonging to the institutions involved, punctuality, leadership and most importantly taste and interest in science learning and research.
Thanks to Telecentre Compartel they have the chance to be in direct contact with NASA.


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