Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Armitron Change To Military Time


Dear friends, I have nothing but sincere words of thanks to you. The love for my daughter all CATALINA expressed to my family and I filled every corner of my soul, I can not believe the emotion that each of his sentences, he planted in me at this stage of my life so beautiful, that is the arrival of my second daughter.
wish I could answer in each of their blogs, but since I came home yesterday, I can not settle down. Bear with me !!!!!
came today I want to tell my friend Guillermo, my postman with a surprise SANDRA with a package full of things and lots of love!! In the coming days I will show you everything. SANDRA Thanks !!!!!
also mention my friend LIDIA ESTER was who was in charge of giving the news, NEUSA and do DANIELA mentions in their blogs.
I do not want to leave anybody out, they are all very important to me!! THE LOVE !!!!! MUCHOOOOOOOOOOOOO BESOSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ...... LORE


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